Always evolving to meet your needs!
Specialised seminars
> Helping relationships
-Empathy, sympathy, compassion and the professional position: when helping hurts!
Position yourself more favourably by clarifying the concepts of empathy, sympathy and compassion. Protect yourself from professional burnout, vicarious stress and compassion fatigue. Taking effective action to maintain a balanced and healthy professional position, between a desire to help and self-respect.
> Vulnerable groups
- Hygiene issues
Discovering and questioning our beliefs and individual limits. Hygiene: definition and basic concepts. Individual analysis of problems and their context. Stages in changing hygiene behaviours and processes. Practical hygiene communication: how do you say you stink? Ensuring the link and sustaining change.
-Addiction: past and present
The concept of addiction and the pleasure circuit. What is addiction? Types and definitions. Substances and behaviours. New addictions: new technologies and social media. Case analysis and discussion. Induction and acquisition of changes in consumption behaviour. Getting out of it? Yes, and getting out!
Definitions, limits of the concept and types. Diagnosis of the situation and indicators in the victim and the perpetrator. The choice of intervention and its framework. Delegating. Communicating in situations. Professionalism in abusive situations. Protecting yourself as an intervener.
> Individual and professional management
- The abuses of new technologies
From harassment via social media, through the inopportune use of smartphones, to the gamer who sleeps at work: how best to act? Preventing isolation, loss of motivation, loss of time, loss of intellectual capacity, breakdown of the social universe...
- Burn out, a daily risk
Too much of a good thing, and one day it all comes to a crashing halt: burn out. Identifying the warning signs, taking stock, understanding the mechanisms and protecting yourself from falling and relapsing - simple to say, complicated to do! With simple, practical tools, an essential survival kit!
-Conducting meetings and charismatic leadership
An original and innovative approach to leading meetings, aimed at optimising favourable behaviour in meetings and establishing respectful collaboration through awareness of each person's characteristics. The charismatic leadership model adapted and combined with the individual strengths of the participants. Guiding and uniting.
> Group management, narrative communication and facilitation
-Making the most of your presentations
Optimising your presentations and delivering them with happiness, ease and success - overcoming stage fright. Points of support and stress factors: putting things into perspective and getting stronger. Bringing people together using the helping relationship. Daring to succeed. The recipe for a happy audience.
-Synergy in groups
Favourable actions to generate, stimulate and maintain group dynamics. For participants who are united, dynamic, willing, supportive and interactive. The notion of hierarchy within groups and interactions.
-Group management for tourism and training professionals
How does a group live and move? Notions of human ethology. Awareness of our strengths and areas for improvement. Non-verbal communication for the group leader: using your body to get people moving, to unite them and to take them with you. Arousing, capturing and maintaining attention.
-Welcome techniques
Welcoming the public, identifying demand and needs, passing on information, providing guidance, maintaining the welcome relationship. Handling emergencies. Suitable reception facilities. Notions of protocol. Reception communication: the personal compendium.
At a time when people are returning to authenticity, quality and short supply chains, sharing your company's story to capture attention, arouse emotion and maintain the link with your customers and partners is essential to attracting customers and building loyalty. Storytelling is the ideal way to tell your story and enchant them.
-Etiquette and well-being in the workplace, with naturalness, authenticity and simplicity: politeness and respect!
What are good manners, politeness and education? The role of social conventions and codes of good manners in individual and group interactions. Etiquette and emotional intelligence: the keys to success. Remaining authentic and adapting naturally and fluidly. Dealing with minor problems with friendliness and ease.
-Managing unfavourable attitudes in groups or teams.
Seizing power by force or by trickery, passivity and avoidance, inappropriate behaviour... How can we guarantee the group dynamic when faced with these profiles? Encourage affinities, federate and complement each other to increase efficiency.
> Understanding the human being
-Automatic behaviours Discover the 6 natural automatic reactions of the human being. The click effect and society. The use of automatic behaviour in commercial communication, politics and areas of influence. Caring communication and automatic behaviour. Optimising.
-How to react when faced with behaviours such as domination by force, taking power by trickery and submission.
Identifying aggressive, manipulative and avoidance behaviours, as well as the communications involved. The different processes involved in taking power: unfavourable communication or pathology? Communicating, reacting and adapting to the forces at play. Protecting yourself and evolving.
-Gifted individuals. A little survival manual for everyone.
Characteristics of high potentials. Intellectual and emotional functioning. Fragile strength. Communicating, collaborating, uniting, integrating and living with high potentials. Questions/answers and exchanges on situations brought by participants, case studies and discussions.
-Gifted individuals: management and federation in a professional context
Useful definitions. Identifying them, approaching and understanding them, communicating with them, integrating them and uniting them. Particular problems in/depending on the professional context. Depression and burn out. Questions/answers and exchanges on situations brought in by participants, case studies.
- Attention deficit disorder in everyday life
Definition, cognitive and emotional impact, medication, remediation, methodology for accompanying and supporting people with ADD, H or not, and the people who work with them. Tips, tricks and solutions