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Communication-related training 


The topics below are no longer systematically programmed. They are provided only on request and can be integrated into a tailor-made module based on your needs and expectations. Don't hesitate to contact me to discuss your project! 


-Communicating assertively. 

Identification and definitions, testing spontaneous tendencies (communication profile, EQ, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligences, preferential sensory channel), the 4 technical foundations, reformulation, exercises. 


 -Emotional intelligence - EQ 

Identifying, testing, deciphering, the concepts of emotion(s) and emotional intelligence, the enhanced skills of good EQ, communicating your emotional "instructions for use", the emotional tolerance threshold. Exercises. 


 -Dealing with disturbing attitudes/emotions 

How do you deal with them? Dealing with anger, shyness, lack of inhibition, etc. Managing conflict. Basis of practical non-violent communication in 4 phases. Practical exercises. 


 -Saying no -Setting limits 

Self-limits: defining them, setting them and communicating about them. Obstacles to saying no and individual strengths. Learning to say no comfortably and becoming aware of the temporality or suspensive conditions of saying no. Exercises. 


 -Non-verbal communication 

The different elements (postures, expressions, movements, etc.). The first impression. The energy expressed. Awareness of body and voice messages, analysis, exercises and ways of adapting. 


 -Positive positioning 

Definitions and method, identifying your objective, positive positioning in the different spheres of relationships, the PP pedagogy, communicating your objective and bringing people together. Notions of energy in communication. 


 -Unfavourable communications: aggression, manipulation and avoidance. 

Testing participant profiles. Definitions of unfavourable communications and characteristics. Physical identification cues. Adapting to them, communicating together, managing differences and evolving. 


- Harassment and the processes of manipulation 

Control, lies, guilt-tripping, humiliation, seduction, concealment, implicit threats, victimisation, disempowerment and so on. They use these tactics to obtain advantages from you that they would never have obtained by making a direct and clear request, or to hold you in their power. Identifying, reacting to and protecting yourself from harassment and manipulation. 


 -Expressing yourself on the telephone 

The rules of telephone communication. A little protocol. Voice and rhythm. Individual vocabulary. Before/during/after telephone communication. Practical exercises. 


 -Expressing yourself in public 

Public speaking: principles and points to bear in mind. Awareness of non-verbal communication and voice: putting things into perspective. Talking to people you don't know or who impress you. Reinforcing yourself and overcoming stage fright. 


 -Reception techniques 

Welcoming the public, identifying demand and needs, passing on information, providing guidance, maintaining the welcome relationship. Managing emergencies. Suitable reception facilities. Notions of protocol. Reception communication: the personal compendium. 


 -Communication in the workplace 

Characteristics of professional relationships. Discovering the specifics of communication. What is said and what is not said. Professional communication. The boundary between private and professional life: defining, communicating and respecting boundaries. 



Discovering the different spheres of relationships (parental, professional, friendly, etc.). Characteristics of communication in these spheres. Hierarchy or not? Respecting limits and codes. Communicating harmoniously within them. 


 -Good manners and interpersonal skills 

Definitions of the concepts. What place do these values have in our society? The indispensable, the useful and the superfluous: what to say in what situation? Specific communications: protocol and politeness in today's society.  Cultural particularities. 


-Influence or manipulation? 

Definitions and differences. Influential communication and hierarchy according to the relational sphere. Good influence in everyday life. Influential communication and the manipulation of information in the media. 

Communication topics

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