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+ 33 7 88 97 18 41 - info@f-a-training.com - copyright Bérengère Fayt - all rights reserved/tous droits réservés

Career guidance and professional strategy 



A common goal: people who are happy with their success! 



Who is it for? 



These advisory services are designed for anyone who wants to think effectively, realistically and concretely about the choices to be made and the actions to be taken to optimise their professional future. 



* The young person or student looking for a future path adapted to who they are, with their individual characteristics. 

* Jobseekers looking for realistic, achievable options for a fulfilling future. 

* Employees who need support with a career plan or who are considering a partial or total change to their career prospects. 

* Business owners who want to think actively about the future of their business and plan how to develop it. 

* The person with a professional, business or other project, etc. ... 



How do we do it? 



By appointment, individually or in the presence of all concerned, according to their wishes. 


> My approach considers the individual and the professional context in their entirety and their interactions, including all the factors inherent in them, including the sometimes more personal problems and life pitfalls, in order to design an effective and concrete action plan that meets the requirements and needs of both the individual and the employers, clients, organisations, etc. for optimum success. 

> Using specific, accessible and adapted tests, among other things, we will take a 'snapshot' of all the elements involved so that we can target the options available to us appropriately, encompassing the person's characteristics, personality and functioning profile, educational and professional background, as well as their complete professional reality, wishes, strengths and the constraints with which we will have to contend. 

> The methodology is designed to be active, caring and participative, centred on the individual within the professional environment in which he or she operates. It takes the form of the joint design of a stimulating and realistic strategic action plan, in line with the individual and the elements identified, to give the person the best chance of success in his or her activities. 

> The strategic action plan includes a timetable for the various steps, organised in progressive stages, in line with the needs and characteristics of the individual and all the elements of his or her working environment. 



Suggested sequence: 


=> an initial meeting to make contact and find out about the request and its context (1 hour) 

=> a second meeting to carry out tests and choose the areas to work on (1h30) 

=> a third meeting to review the tests and draw up the action plan (1h30) 

=> weekly or bi-monthly monitoring of the implementation of the action plan, to monitor the stages and adapt it as required, for the time needed to complete and maintain it (1 hour). 

=> a concluding meeting (1 hour) 

=> if necessary, occasional meetings to assess quality of life and redefine objectives and resources. 


I also offer the possibility of organising and running workshops on career guidance or socio-professional development for groups of people seeking or creating employment, as well as this type of specific support for professionals in the training sector, teachers or any other interested parties. 

Please do not hesitate to contact me for any further information. 



What is it? 


Together, we will lay the foundations for a professional project (career or business development), studies or training, and for its effective implementation, in line with your needs and wishes, taking into account the various criteria, respecting who you are and adapted to the realities of the economic, social and geographical contexts and the relational spheres in which you evolve. 





Wherever you are in the world (*), I can meet you on video using the magic of the virtual world, by appointment only. I can also travel to meet you (*) Please contact me to make an appointment, by email or telephone. 



* At your organisation, company, facility or at home, depending on needs and the development of the action plan. 

Career guidance and professional strategy

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