Some of my satisfied customers
First and foremost, all the participants in my seminars, training courses, information days and all the people who have placed their trust in me as :
- Organiser - Sphinx Festival - Dorra Group - Egypt
- Trainer - Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Association - Poland
- Trainer - Société Royale d'Encouragement du Cheval - Morocco
- Trainer - Belgisch Arabische Paarden Stamboek - Belgium
- Trainer - Swedish Arabian Horse Society - Sweden
- Trainer - Norwegian Arabian Horse Society - Norway
- Trainer - Arabische Volbloed Paarden Stamboek - Netherlands
- Trainer (Breeders and aspiring national judges) - ACA - France
- Organiser - congress (Forum) and conference - ACA - France
- Consultant - Board of the Arabian Horse Association (ACA) - France
- Trainer (social workers and social referents) - FEDOM (Fédération des services d'aide à domicile) - Wallonia
- Trainer (all professional audiences) - HELHa CERSO - Wallonia
- Softskills trainer - Key Job - Luxembourg
- Organiser - lectures for teachers - Wallonia
- Trainer (complementary teacher certification) - ISPN - Wallonia
- Trainer (trade union delegates and permanent staff) - CSC - SP - Brussels
- Trainer of trainers - PROFOR - Wallonia
- Trainer of trainers - FEC - Namur
- Soft skills trainer - EVATraining - Luxembourg
- Expert and consultant (candidate selection and training) - IPFS - Namur
- Continuous training for secondary school teachers - PROFOR - Wallonia
- Consultancy for company directors
- Consultancy in communication and individual coaching
- Individual coaching and follow-up for gifted individuals
- Freelance trainer in methods and communication - FOPES - Brussels
- Trainer in communication and work methods (seminars) - APEF - Namur
- Trainer in communication, reception techniques and self-confidence - PTP workers - FOREM - Namur and Libramont
- Professional breeder, expert, judge for the Arabian breed, trainer - Faber Arabians - Hour
- Consultancy for company directors - Wallonia
- Freelance trainer in work methods - ISCO - Namur
- Trainer in employability and relational skills - EPNam - Namur (ESF project)
- Socio-professional integration trainer and coach - MOC - Namur
- Socio-professional integration trainer and project manager - SOS dépannage - Arlon
- Literacy trainer and project manager - Lire et Ecrire Luxembourg - Libramont
- Coordinator of a social and professional reintegration project - Agence Locale pour l'Emploi - Mons
My continuous training
Some of the seminars in which I have strengthened my skills
→ ECAHO workshops
→ Certiphyto - plant health certification
→ High Environmental Value farming
→ Commercial contracts in the equine sector
→ Mind Mapping
→ Commercial strategy and corporate image
→ Emotional intelligence
→ Addictions and the reintegration of addicts
→ Developing the power to act
→ Managing stress through sophrology
→ Self-confidence: equipping the trainer
→ Mental management
→ Not being a savage coach
→ Project cycle management
→ The neurobiology of behaviour and group facilitation
→ From I to We - a methodological tool for groups
→ Storytelling for tourism
→ Hygiene in question
→ Mental health problems and support
→ The relationship between environment and behaviour
→ CVs and cover letters, updating practices
→ Becoming self-employed Training in the various aspects of entrepreneurship
→ Domestic violence: Training for social workers in contact with victims or perpetrators of domestic violence
→ Self-taught study and research
→ High intellectual potential
→ Intelligences and intellectual efficiency
→ Emotional intelligence
→ Learning strategies and difficulties
→ Elements of relational and systemic psychology
→ Neurobiology of the brain and behaviour
→ Neuro-linguistic programming