F. A. Training EURL au capital social de 1 000 € - SIREN 927.578.849 - 46300 Soucirac - France
+ 33 7 88 97 18 41 - info@f-a-training.com - copyright Bérengère Fayt - all rights reserved/tous droits réservés

Some of my satisfied customers 


First and foremost, all the participants in my seminars, training courses, information days and all the people who have placed their trust in me as : 


 - Organiser - Sphinx Festival - Dorra Group - Egypt
- Trainer - Polish Arabian Horse Breeders Association - Poland
- Trainer - Société Royale d'Encouragement du Cheval - Morocco
- Trainer - Belgisch Arabische Paarden Stamboek - Belgium
- Trainer - Swedish Arabian Horse Society - Sweden
- Trainer - Norwegian Arabian Horse Society - Norway
- Trainer - Arabische Volbloed Paarden Stamboek - Netherlands
- Trainer (Breeders and aspiring national judges) - ACA - France
- Organiser - congress (Forum) and conference - ACA - France
-  Consultant - Board of the Arabian Horse Association (ACA) - France
-  Trainer (social workers and social referents) - FEDOM (Fédération des services d'aide à domicile) - Wallonia
- Trainer (all professional audiences) - HELHa CERSO - Wallonia
- Softskills trainer - Key Job - Luxembourg
- Organiser - lectures for teachers - Wallonia
- Trainer (complementary teacher certification) - ISPN - Wallonia
- Trainer (trade union delegates and permanent staff) - CSC - SP - Brussels
- Trainer of trainers - PROFOR - Wallonia
- Trainer of trainers - FEC - Namur
- Soft skills trainer - EVATraining - Luxembourg
- Expert and consultant (candidate selection and training) - IPFS - Namur
- Continuous training for secondary school teachers - PROFOR - Wallonia
- Consultancy for company directors
- Consultancy in communication and individual coaching
- Individual coaching and follow-up for gifted individuals
- Freelance trainer in methods and communication - FOPES - Brussels
- Trainer in communication and work methods (seminars) - APEF - Namur
- Trainer in communication, reception techniques and self-confidence - PTP workers - FOREM - Namur and Libramont
- Professional breeder, expert, judge for the Arabian breed, trainer - Faber Arabians - Hour
- Consultancy for company directors - Wallonia
- Freelance trainer in work methods - ISCO - Namur
- Trainer in employability and relational skills - EPNam - Namur (ESF project)
- Socio-professional integration trainer and coach - MOC - Namur
- Socio-professional integration trainer and project manager - SOS dépannage - Arlon
- Literacy trainer and project manager - Lire et Ecrire Luxembourg - Libramont
- Coordinator of a social and professional reintegration project - Agence Locale pour l'Emploi - Mons 


My continuous training  


Some of the seminars in which I have strengthened my skills 



→    ECAHO workshops 

→    Certiphyto - plant health certification 

→    High Environmental Value farming 

→    Commercial contracts in the equine sector 

→    Mind Mapping 

→    Commercial strategy and corporate image 

→    Emotional intelligence 

→    Addictions and the reintegration of addicts 

→    Developing the power to act 

→    Managing stress through sophrology 

→    Self-confidence: equipping the trainer 

→    Mental management 

→    Not being a savage coach 

→    Project cycle management 

→    The neurobiology of behaviour and group facilitation 

→    From I to We - a methodological tool for groups 

→    Storytelling for tourism 

→    Hygiene in question 

→    Mental health problems and support 

→    The relationship between environment and behaviour 

→    CVs and cover letters, updating practices 

→    Becoming self-employed Training in the various aspects of entrepreneurship 

→    Domestic violence: Training for social workers in contact with victims or perpetrators of domestic violence 

→    Self-taught study and research 

→    High intellectual potential 

→    Intelligences and intellectual efficiency 

→    Emotional intelligence 

→    Learning strategies and difficulties 

→    Elements of relational and systemic psychology 

→    Neurobiology of the brain and behaviour 

→    Neuro-linguistic programming 

Some references

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